Here you will come to know that how to properly Troubleshoot Beer Draft System and what are the assured steps that "Every Bartender" should take in the "Busy Bar House" to maintain the productivity of the bar business!!
How To Troubleshoot / Maintain Beer Dispensing System

In the bar business, draft problems or beer dispensing problems often occur when the bar is full with the crowd. And further, there is absolutely no possible way to call for a staff draft expert. So, the best way is to prepare ourselves for all these circumstances to troubleshoot and maintain dispensing problems.
So What We Can Do At First??
To troubleshoot the beer dispensing system, the 1st and most significant thing you need is to create a troubleshooting guide to your draft system. So that to educate your staff in the basics of dealing with draft beer. Because a guide can be a helpful training aid as well as a critical reference manual for answering mechanical questions and enabling other staff to temporarily repair the system until your draft expert is available.
So here, you will come to know all the possible aspects of beer dispensing / drafting problems and you’ll become an expert in how to troubleshoot them.
Beer Basics
(That you should know)
As we familiar with this, beer is a food product and we usually do not pasteurise the draft beer.
Because we do not pasteurise the draft beer, it will spoil. A general rule for the shelf life of draft beer is 45 days from the date the keg is filled.
We should always store the Beer between 2.22˚C to 3.33˚C.

To Identify Cause ASAP!! (To Troubleshoot)
For finding the true cause of the problem in the shortest amount of time, follow this process on every call:
Ask the customer to describe the problem
Find out which faucets are affected, when the problem started, whether it reoccurs and if there is a pattern
Draft beer systems are a balancing act

Beer needs to stay packed together, prevent the breakout of the CO2 from the beer solution
Make sure that the beer kegs in the walk-in cooler are always between 1.11˚C to 3.33˚C degrees. Then, wait at least 24 hours before tapping newly delivered kegs to allow them time to cool down and settle down.
Don’t rely on the temperature gauge on the walk-in cooler. Put a large glass of water on top of a beer keg and let it sit at least an hour.
Take the temperature of the water, or check the temperature of a canned or bottled beverage that has been in the cooler for an extended period of time
Just confirm that the secondary CO2 regulators are set to the factory
recommended settings. (This pressure can vary from restaurant to
restaurant. It should be noted on the regulator panel).
If in doubt call Arcux at “011-41552251”. And ask the switchboard operator to connect you with one of our experts in draft beer technical service. In addition, please provide the serial number of the Glycol Chiller when you call.

What after checking these? (For Troubleshoot)
Check👇 (Click Me☺)
Sanitation procedures – make sure that the cleaner cleans the system and glasses properly.
The faucet to make sure it’s clean.
To ensure the Power-Pak is operating properly and the digital readout is -1.11˚C to 3.33˚C.
Glycol solution flow to ensure the recirculating pump and motor are operating properly.
FOB detector operation – smart couplers or wall mount style: Are they vented and reset properly?
Operation of the Flow-jet beer pumps and flow reversal valves when applicable.
Nitrogen and CO2 supply feeding the blender to make sure it’s operating correctly.
If the nitrogen or CO2 gas runs below the designed inlet pressure of 45 – 70 psi, the blender shuts off and goes into protection mode.
Make sure the blended outlet pressure is set and the outlet shut-off valve is open.
Types of Problems In Beer??
1. Check the temperature of the beer in the walk-in cooler- it should be 1.11˚Celsius to 2.22˚Celsius.
2. When the beer was delivered- it should have been more than 24 hours ago.
3. You should check the glycol chiller (power pak) – ensure that it is running. After that confirm that the temperature display reads between -1.11˚C and 1.11˚C degrees. Then, make sure that the refrigeration condenser is not dirty.
4. Also, check the CO2 pressure; if you are using straight CO2 or beer pumps, the pressure on the secondary regulators should not exceed 17 lbs.
5. You should see that the beer lines, keg couplers and beer faucets have been cleaned in the last two weeks.
6. If the keg has been on tap for more than 5 to 6 days it may be over carbonated.
7. Call Arcux at “011-41552251” ask for a draft beer technical service.
1. Ensure that the CO2 supply is turned on.
2. Check the pressure setting on the secondary CO2 regulators.
3. Confirm the temperature of the beer in the walk-in cooler- it should be 1.11˚Celsius to 3.33˚Celsius.
4. Also, check the temperature of the beer in the glass it should be between 1.11˚C to 3.33˚C.
5. Call Arcux at “011-41552251”, and you can ask for any consultancy related to troubleshooting beer dispensing system.
Description: Beer appears hazy or cloudy in glass.
- Frozen or nearly frozen beer.
- Old beer can be the cause.
- Beer that has been non-refrigerated for long periods of time.
- Dirty glass or faucet can cause a bacterial reaction to drink.

More Problematic Beer👇

Description: Large soap-like bubbles, head
dissolves very quickly.
- Applied pressure required does not correspond to the beer temperature.
- Improper pour.
- Beer lines are warmer than beer in the keg.
- Dirty glasses.
Description: Beer has an off-taste.
- Expired beer! Beer is at its best before 30-45 days past its racking/production date
- Dirty or old beer lines
- Dirty faucet
- Unsanitary bar conditions, glass washing
- Contaminated beer
1. Give a closer look to beer kegs; is there beer in the keg or is the keg tapped?
2. Ensure that you turn on the CO2 supply.
3. Confirm to see if the FOB device or empty keg sensor has been tripped.
4. Make sure that the cleaner cleans the beer line so that it should not freeze the beer lines.
5. Call Arcux at “011-41552251”, and ask for draft beer technical service and for troubleshoot tips.
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